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Property Damage

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Residential and commercial property insurance policies are inherently confusing and sometimes misleading, so it is crucial that you have an experienced property damage attorney on your side when navigating property insurance claims. Qualified Counsel’s network of property damage lawyers can help you get what is owed to you following a property damage event.

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Residential Property Damage

Damage to your home can be caused by water, mold, fire, smoke, theft, vandalism, storms and various other weather events.

Damage to a home can be a devastating and life-changing event for a homeowner, but for an insurance company, its business as usual. When you need insurance coverage most, a property damage claim could be denied or only partially paid. This is why homeowners must approach the adjustment and settlement of their homeowner’s insurance claim with caution.

Homeowners are tasked with investigating and documenting losses pursuant to the terms of their policies, as well as complying with specific requirements when filing an insurance claim. Understanding the complexity insurance coverages available, limitations on those coverages, deductibles, conditions precedent and specific requirements necessary to make an insurance claim can be overwhelming.  In order to improve the outcome of a property damage claim, it’s absolutely crucial to have the right lawyer and team of experts on your side.

Insurance companies write confusing policies for a reason. Qualified Counsel’s network of experienced property damage lawyers is dedicated to representing policyholders and best outcomes. If your home suffers damage and you need assistance with filing a claim or your claim has already been denied, contact Qualified Counsel to find an attorney who can help.

Commercial Property Damage

Commercial property damage involves damage to business premises, equipment or inventory, loss of income or increase in expenses that a business has suffered as a result of a property damage event. Business owners can file claims for damage caused by water, mold, fire, smoke, theft, vandalism, storms and various other weather events.

When a significant loss occurs, a business owner’s instinct is to do whatever it takes to mitigate the loss and reopen for business as quickly as possible. As in the case of residential property damage, business owners are tasked with accurately documenting commercial property damage and understanding confusing policy language and requirements for filing a claim. The process for resolving a commercial property damage claim can often be confusing, which is why it is so important to have an experienced property damage attorney on your side.

Qualified Counsel’s property damage lawyers and their contractors, engineers and other experts are available to help you with all types of residential and commercial property damage claims.